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sureye, thank you so much! We are entering our 19th year on Halloween. Khaled didn’t live-stream the birth of the couple’s second child on Snapchat either, as he did with their first, 3-year-old Asahd Khaled. Here's my theory as a second wife. Read the report. I had 6 children with my 1st husband. Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on June 13, 2014: @Brian, first of all, I apologize profusely for not getting back to you in a reasonable time. Rule for marriage: Say I Love You At Least Once A Day. His second wife also had a child of her own from a previous relationship before they met and fell in love. She broke up with me I thought of because of the kids because she has already raised hers and she is done with that but as im finding out she has never dealt with past marriage hurts. You have stepped up to the plate, and I know that many married couples will be able to use this information. Take care! We need to let go of the ideal, and embrace the real. He said that I wasn’t attractive and that he wants to spend the remainder of his life with a young and attractive woman. Life is not just you and your husband. So, let go of yesterday so you can start creating better tomorrow. He might be scared of something, but don't assume that you are sure of his motivation until you talk to him. This is not cheating and certainly is not bigamy. Period. Network on May 4, 2017. Even just one change for the better can start you feeling a whole better in a lot of ways. Parents need to know that Second Wives Club is another E! I believe it is possible for others to be happy in their second marriage, too. This is critical! You made my day! This is not cheating and certainly is not bigamy. Second marriages also add ex-spouses, custody issues and hurt from a breakup to the mix. A second wife has issues that don't appear in a first marriage. New friends have known both of you an equal amount of time, making for a more equitable friendship. The husband had three children with the first wife, then divorced. Really great points though. He puts his children, ex-wife, and parents above me. Take care! You need to have things in your life that you share besides grocery shopping, bills and the bedroom. I agree with whoever said that marriage is like a garden and you have to take care of it on a regular basis.Our garden is beautiful and blooming and I want to keep it that way! It's reality, and it can be good, as long we let go of that other ideal that we had. The Second Wives Club is more than a glitzy reality TV show In real life, the Second Wives Club is a political action group of second wives seeking legislative reform in state Alimony laws. I've been with my husband for 17 years and we've been married for 12. How to create a second spouse or husband GenoPro can support an unlimited number of spouses and husbands for each member in the tree. Like anything good, they require a lot of effort. With exes, custody and getting over the past, a second marriage can seem so complicated. We have many rocky times but there are some point in your hub that we've already started paracticing and now that i've found this, we shall put the rest into practice! This time, the "twist" is that the self-absorbed divas being filmed are the wives and fiancées of rich, powerful men … Now, if the artist was to keep yearning after the tiles, or vases that were once whole, he could never concentrate on the new mosaic art piece forming in front of him. Answer: Money issues are more complicated after a second marriage, and require a lot of communication and planning. What do you want me to do for you? Being "you' will help you navigate the difficult times, because you will know that you are a valuable person, regardless of what is happening in your marriage. For the first two years, our marriage was a nightmare in many ways. A second wife, someone else's kids, and a divorce settlement were never in our dreams. Other times, it's a few minutes right before we go to sleep. It is so true that the more whole we are, the better relationship we can have. There are a multitude of issues to work out with any new marriage: finances, household chores, lovemaking, personal independence ... these are some of them. When he is still divorced, it makes it impossible, like you say, to really move on with your lives, and you must feel kind of stuck right now. The children's needs are of utmost important, and everyone's needs within a family need to be considered. The discussion is way more complex then a simple statistic that women initiate 70% o divorces. I do think you have a chance. htodd from United States on November 27, 2011: That's really nice tips...But it might be very tough ..but nothing is impossible. Welcome to the world of the Second Wives Club! by Teresa Paprock. Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on December 13, 2010: Banzaradiwana, thank you so much for your comment. My husband and I have been married for two and a half years. But few marriages are without problems, and some of them are very specific to being a second wife. There is some literature out there on this topic, if you want to study this in-depth. Sometimes dreams can be bondages, if they stop us from accepting reality. I was too busy focusing on how horrible her actions were that I completely neglected my relationship with my fiancé. The birth announcement didn’t include the baby’s name. It is a very challenging situation, but it does get better! You have definitely made an impact on my life and from the comments I've read other other's lives too (: Hope all is well! I am so happy that this article triggered a positive reminder of your happy marriage. It honours the fact that this person has chosen you above all the other human beings on the earth, to spend their time with. Answer: That can be difficult. And now we can take the broken pieces and see what can be woven out of it. You might want to write about it, in a journal, or in poetry. I am my husband's second wife, and to him that apparently means second best. A polygamist is someone who practises polygamy. Second wife syndrome Even though there can be many advantages of being a second wife, you might feel inadequate when filling the spaces left behind by the ex-wife and kids. Remember that it won't be perfect overnight. Now I actually have a problem remembering my first marriage in any detail because all my life is invested in this one. We have cats. Sanders married his first wife, Josephine, at the young age of 19. She has written a book on the topic of remarriage. Sharilee Swaity writes on family and marriage issues on her blog, Second Chance Love. Sometimes it does look impossible but it's not, if you keep trying. I told her in the beginning of our relationship that I have visitations from the ghosts of my first relationship. I have had pleasure of conversing with this gentleman for a number of years. Between moving and retiring, and being a 2nd marriage, it's been hard. Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on May 14, 2012: @NyBride, that is good that one of you had no baggage. I am sorry that I didn't see it earlier; I am rarely on Hubpages anymore but I am so glad to read you are doing so much better. Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on March 06, 2016: Deborah, thank you so much for your feedback. As a convention, the husband is displayed to the left and the spouse is displayed to the right. Thanks for sharing. Maybe it might be a project that you take on together in the community, or a game that you play on the computer. No longer being at your job probably makes it harder to have social contact, too. I entered the marriage having no baggage, as in no prior divorces and no children... he on the other hand had one prior marriage and three children. Not at all. Being a "second wife," should not mean being second in importance, and if that message is conveyed, it can lead to a multitude of negative emotions. Maybe to your spouse, maybe just to a friend. Signin to your account and access thousands of members looking for marriage So, grab a few minutes together, during these busy times. He was finally won over, and now the cats are something that we love together, that we talk about together. Sometimes second marriages seems impossible but this articles has ten tips for making it more manageable. “then marry women of your choice, two or three, or four but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly, then only one”. I am 23 and engaged to my soulmate who has previously been married and has a beautiful daughter the age of 3. It is not ideal, and that's okay. Loved reading this. Putting a spouse first does not mean putting children last. I call it the ‘Rebecca’ complex: the suspicion that as a second wife I’m second best. Words cannot describe how helpful I found your advice to be. Take care! This will help to strengthen your second marriage, and help you to stay together. How? Sima Ballinger from Michigan on December 23, 2010: Hi Prairieprincess, I am the one who asked the question in the question and answers. Yes, but definitely worth it. By always asking them about plans that concern one of you. :). I have an incredible wife! The conflict can come when you don't agree on what is reasonable. All these negative thoughts clouded my rational sense of thinking. The husband married the second wife, had one child and separated. It does not happen overnight. Now, we just find it here and there. Sometimes I feel like the never married girls I like should have someone better . Second marriages are far from easy, but can be beautiful, too. Take care, and Merry Christmas. I am so very glad that it came at the right time, and was something that you could use! I think it's normal for us as women to want a commitment, and to actually need it. alenushka from Mississauga, Ontario on January 08, 2011: Thank you for the article, it gave me hope that maybe something can be made from my relationship with a man i love. The show documents the personal and professional lives of a group of several women who are already or are to become the second, third, fourth or fifth wives of wealthy and successful men. She has no idea that one of her psychotherapy clients, Sayeed, is an arms dealer hell bent on having her as his wife. A second wife often has to play second-fiddle to the children from the first marriage. My 2nd marriage began 5 years ago at age 59. --Hyppolytus. If you are not married yet, it is a really good idea to talk about your finances before entering a marriage. I no longer dream of divorce, and look forward to a future with my wonderful husband. We might have dreamt about something different, but God allowed this. I feel comfortable as all my pictures are private and users need authorisation before seeing them. It sounds like you guys have a lot to handle but that is great that you were able to get help. Ally is a psychologist happily married to surgeon David in Philadelphia. The children's needs are of utmost important, and everyone's needs within a family need to be considered. Forgive your ex's spouse. Hope my second and last man will come when he and I have achieved being complete with our individual selves. This is critical and part of any healthy relationship. Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on January 06, 2011: Leann, that's awesome! One of the biggest keys to letting go is forgiveness. It helps bring us back to the love we have for each other. That is an excellent strategy on the part of your wife and very astute of you to realize this, so it didn't lead to terrible conflict. about what both of you would like, and try to come to a compromise. Really pleased at how respectful the members were on this website; They take polygamy seriously! Thanks for the encouraging words. I felt like I gave it all, and got very, very little in return. I know when my husband and I first started out, I was desperate for answers, too. It sounds like you are reaching a point of acceptance, which is awesome. He travels for a living and I get to see him every other weekend. I won't be able to be with him without finalizing divorce..Sorry, maybe it is that "relevant" to your article... but this is cry from my soul...Thank you again for the amazing article! You might make new friends by joining a new church, or a social group, or just by meeting people in your daily life, and reaching out. I was trying to suggest, but your comment made me realize I should have been more direct, so I have mentioned the book right in the text. Being a "second wife," should not mean being second in importance, and if that message is conveyed, it can lead to a multitude of negative emotions. Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on January 08, 2011: alenushka, thank you so much for writing and commenting! The first year of marriage is the hardest, which is what everyone told me, but it's true. They want to reduce the Spousal Support being paid to the first wives by the second wives’ new husband. In the case of multiple spouses or husbands, the nearest marriage is always the first … This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. One raised a glass and toasted me by saying, "To second marriages—they're the best!". It will never ill be. We met several years after the both of us had divorced. It is the first marriage for my wife and my second. It is because you will need an outlet for the inevitable conflicts and problems that come up. What are his or her needs? I asked her if she would help me kill them. So, don't expect it to all be blissful in month, or even in a year. While every marriage takes work, a second (or third) takes a lot more work because there are past issues that MUST be resolved and can't be allowed to fester beneath the surface. Second Wife, Second Best? Second Wives Club is an American reality television series that premiered on the E! Since then, both my husband and I have retired and our life has totally shifted. Look at where the disagreements are. As little girls, none of us go to sleep dreaming about being someone's second wife. This is not meant to be depressing, but real. I am in my second marriage and although we are happy, a lot of what you said rings true for us. I am so sorry for what you must be going through right now. Sometimes, it's an hour of coffee talk in the morning. "In this world second thoughts, it seems, are best." He is my rock. The eight-episode, hour-long docu-series follows six women who are married or engaged to wealthy, powerful men. But, there were times when I would expect her to react like my first wife in a particular situation and she knew to say, "It's okay, I'm not her." Perhaps the grass is not always greener," Montgomery said. Hurt from a past marriage is a tremendous thing to overcome, and takes times, healing and love. I work full time and pay the majority of the bills. It's great that you've already started learning some of the things, and are still learning and growing. Keep trying! I need to work on the first 2 points you mentioned. Therefore, things that bring together are especially important! Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on February 01, 2012: Karen, thank you so much for your positive feedback. I am sure that you have learned a lot from your past, and it sounds like both of you are very committed. I feel like I am single and anchored down by a weight and I can't breathe. Don't try to compensate because you feel guilty for the divorce. Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on December 23, 2010: Treasuresofheaven, Thank you so much for the comment! Try to discuss it as a couple, to decide what is reasonable. An excellent rule-of-thumb is to give children as much leeway as you would in a first marriage. But don't talk about it, with the intent of just re-hashing and complaining. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! I felt like I was a faulty second model, trying to live someone else’s life.I loved my boyfriend and his daughter, but they couldn’t reciprocate as easily. I came to this website because I married a man that I love dearly and our first few months of marriage have been less than ideal. He as said that we could raise the baby together. The key is that you discuss money, instead of letting resentment build up, and destroy your relationship. These are some tips for staying together in a second marriage. Thanks for sharing your story and insights. I have yet to meet a stepmother whose sense of identity has been unscathed by self-doubt and private, scary musings like: “Am I crazy?” or “Maybe I am evil!” The intensity of emotions previously not … reality series in the vein of the Real Housewives franchise, centered on the gossip-filled lives and manufactured dramas of ladies who lunch. Blessings to both of you! I could go on forever. I was in a relationship with a wonderful woman were both divorced and she has 2 girls, one in college one finishing high school, I have 2 girls also, one in 4th grade and one in 7th grade. And my first marriage has a better chance of surviving than if I go all wimpy and ask for permission. It's made me see how blessed I am all over again. He has mentioned that he really wants to have another child and has even asked if I would leave him if he got another woman pregnant. I think good marriage counseling if both of you are willing can help work through an issue like this. Forgive your spouse. This is an excellent way to work through your feelings, and no one has to see it. After ten years hubby won't add me to the house title. I can also browse profiles for compatibility without revealing myself searching. Second time round, people are older and have a clearer idea of who they are and what they do and do not want in a relationship. These things were detrimental to my relationship with my fiancé. Bob. Preferably a lot more. Take care, and God bless you! I don't know where you are at now, seeing it is seven months later, but I wish you all the best, and thank you so much for writing in. The fact that you are so attune to this woman's feeling and willing to still love her says a lot about your character, and your ability to sustain a relationship. This ain't no Brady Bunch, and this ain't no fairytale. Second marriages have built-in separation (kid that only belong to one of you, ex-partners, separate financial history and so on). Take care, and thanks again for writing. Karen Hellier from Georgia on January 29, 2012: This is great. Take care and thanks again for the lovely comment. Sounds like great advice. I sacrifice and sacrifice, all for nothing. Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on December 10, 2010: Thanks so much for your kind comment. Or you can simply ask him: what's important to you? Women tend to need love and affection. Answer: I am so sorry for what you are going through. Question: It does not get better. But what they didn’t know is that I was far more uncomfortable than they could even imagine. Try to listen calmly, and really understand his behaviour. He is busier than ever and reconnecting with old friends and I am at a loss, keeping myself busy but not entertained or enjoying it. “then marry women of your choice, two or three, or four but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly, then only one” - Quran 4:3, Largest Muslim polygamy matchmaking service available, Private profile only accessible to members, All of your images are private to free members. You need to be able to figure that out, and make an effort at meeting those needs a good percentage of the time. Putting a spouse first does not mean putting children last. Another first wife, `A’ishah, says: “My husband was quite plain about his intentions to marry a second wife. So, putting your spouse first is important in making second marriages work. This is where an individual has more than one spouse and everyone is in agreement. Take care, Flobe! I gradually became aware that she had helped me kill the ghosts. Your post brought me to tears and for the first time I feel the STRONGEST sense of hope for being my fiancé's second wife. Is it appropriate? I think it has helped our marriage to get stronger because it is a constant reinforcement of our commitment to each other. I'm glad you agree with the points and that you guys are making it work. Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on January 03, 2011: Char, it's really hard to get yourself going, after so many changes in your life. You have give valid and useful advice. I like how privacy is the main focus of this site. I, on the other hand, brought two teenage girls and two cats into the relationship. I like your perspective and will be sharing your book with my future husband (second marriage). Men tend to need respect and sex. My husband and I, at are our wedding, with my grandparents. This can lead to a much-known phenomenon known as the ‘second wife syndrome.’ Here are some signs that you have allowed the second … Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on April 11, 2017: No body, thanks for the great comment! It sounds like there are trust issues to deal with. Forgiveness doesn't mean that you approve, simply that you refuse to be controlled by it anymore. I agree with you completely! By not allowing anyone (including your children) to disrespect them, and by generally giving them priority in your life. I know that my husband didn't want to commit to me, either, and didn't feel ready when we first met. That is why I wrote the article -- to give hope and encouragement who might be going through similar things to what I went through. I have been extremely busy at work and not able to attend to my articles. Put your spouse before anyone else in your life, before any other people, including the children. Even though we've had no major issues, I agree with all 10 points you have made. I've been falsely accused of horrible things, she threatened to prevent me from becoming a licensed therapist, she even told her daughter that she wasn't allowed to love me. I am sure that helped to make things a bit less complicated! Incredible patience and commitment are very much required. His oldest child, Temoso is already 10, which means he had her either when he was still a teenager or in his early 20s while his youngest child, Junior was born at the start of 2020. If I dropped dead right now, he would be remarried in 3 months. My husband and I have been married for 8 months and he has been married before and has 2 kids from that marriage. @WVGirl, I am so sorry that I did not get to your comment in a reasonable time. This article is written from experience, of someone who has been through the struggles, and is still working through them. In short, yes. Take care. Then there are the kids. Lisa Kroulik from Minnesota on May 14, 2012: My second marriage is somewhat unique because my husband had no previous relationship history, ie, no baggage. It's not going to happen all at once, but be happy if you're learning. She can be hurt and alone and confused by why this is happening. I do feel so much for your situation, and hope that you can find a solution that works better for you. I have been busy working and have not been able to keep up with the comments. Sounds about as wise as the time my dad gave my mom a … “Our Second Marriage Works Because…” If you're worried about snoopy eyes, burn it. Oedipus (UK: / ˈ iː d ɪ p ə s /, US: / ˈ iː d ə p ə s, ˈ ɛ d ə-/; Greek: Οἰδίπους Oidípous meaning "swollen foot") was a mythical Greek king of Thebes.A tragic hero in Greek mythology, Oedipus accidentally fulfilled a prophecy that he would end up killing his father and marrying his mother, thereby bringing disaster to his city and family.. … You may find out that most of these new people in your new life aren't very supportive of the marriage. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Thank you so much for replying. For the first year and a half, my husband didn't care for the cats. I hope it helps. Take care, and have a wonderful day. In fact, over 25% of marriages don't make it the second time around, and it's easy to figure out why. These things take time, and that's okay! Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on September 24, 2014: @Mathira, you are so right! Second Wives: Despite the seemingly catty assumption that the financial tie between their husband and his ex-wife simply irks them, the concerns of the second wife are largely financial as well. They will remind you of your identity, before you became a wife, or a husband. It is eye-opening to realize how urgent our spouse's needs are! I agree that we have to work things out, and not let them just simmer until someone explodes, or even leaves. You need to meet each others needs, as much as you can. It is created by putting together hundreds of little broken pieces from what was once whole. This was exactly what i needed to hear today! This makes perfect sense to us. The following case is a husband with three spouses. Robert E Smith from Rochester, New York on March 31, 2017: Very useful article Sharilee. Ideally, couples should go out on a date once a week, but sometimes you just cannot do it. Take care ... Char M from Pacific Coast on January 02, 2011: #8 and #9 are what I need to work on the most. You take care, too! And I'm sure it will be worth the wait! If you are a believer, put God first, and your spouse second. Your thoughts ?? It is in the past, and any bitterness you still have will poison you in the present. I wanted people to get Tips on Having A Successful Second Marriage. I know that people can use this valuable information, but I knew I could not do it justice because I am married and have been only once. It sounds like you are going through a really hard time right now. Thanks for taking care and many more happy years to both of you. We went to counseling and it HELPED so much. sureye from Tennessee on December 22, 2010: I cannot tell you how much this means to me! Now, we are learning to love each other, and make it work. We are a Muslim polygamy matchmaking service. It was a great question, and got me reflecting on my experiences and what I have learned so far. I realize it is six months later, but you could sit down with your spouse and ask him why he doesn't want to put you on the house title. First, there is the other spouse hanging around, even if it's just in memory, and the knowledge that your husband or wife has already gone down this path with someone else. You're dealing with exes, their children together, and a second set of in-laws. Hi , i am a divorcee .. is it ok to approach a never married single woman ? Thank you for writing this. And we both have high hopes that this will last us into the end of our lives. Say "I love you" at least once a day. It sounds like you're feeling kind of stuck right now. That way it's a fait accompli. I am not sure that I want to believe him. How would I go about fixing this? This is where an individual has more than one spouse and everyone is in agreement. I would happily reccomend this to any one seeking a polygamous relationship. My husband say it to each other, whenever we leave the house, whenever we go to sleep, and many times in between. Richieb799 from Cardiff, Wales UK on December 11, 2010: I can see it would be hard in a second marriage! It is challenging sometimes, isn't it? You may have seen a mosaic art piece. And it gives them the security to keep going in a difficult relationship. Deborah Demander Reno from First Wyoming, then THE WORLD on February 24, 2016: Great article. Why is it important to do things on your own? First of all, I can honestly say that I understand what you are going through. Getting married, I was too busy focusing on how horrible her actions were that want! Previous relationship before they met and fell in love with a young and attractive woman want., none of us had divorced the right time, and we had... Struggles, and destroy your relationship been away from the site is easy. Keep your identity are so right you might want to write about it with... 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